Screen Cleaner!

Here is a little help for you if your screen needs cleaning: Click obn the link!Screen Cleaner

Monday, August 13, 2012

Jack and Jill ~ Our Mini Donkeys ~

Jack and Jill with Chowderhead

Donkeys are new for us! We are loving them. 
The donkeys are our guard animals for our sheep.
Jack gets pretty upset whenever anything
 comes near our little mini sheep pasture.
Here are a few shots of our Mini Donkeys. 
They were wild when we got them
Now we can hardly push them out of our way!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Our New Chickens

We have our Barred Rock Chickens!

We had a contest to name the rooster on Facebook,
and all our Ferguson relatives voted to name him
Rooster Cogburn.
Here he is in all his splendid glory:
We have not got our permanent Coop made  yet, so the
chickens are residing in temporary quarters.
Here are a few pictures of Cogburn and the girls.

The pullets are just now starting to lay.
We are now getting 4 eggs a day. We have 10 pullets.
The girls all have 1800s names.
Mable, Hattie Mae, Myrtle, Opal, Ruby, Ethyl,
 Harriet,Esther, Ruth, & Margaret.