Screen Cleaner!

Here is a little help for you if your screen needs cleaning: Click obn the link!Screen Cleaner

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just a few little things...

Just a few little things...

So, I am cheating and putting this post on all my blogs. So you only need to visit one today if you follow all of mine.
I think this is a fun time of year! I love seeing how everyone else decorates for Christmas, and I love the cold clear air when I go out doors!

It was really a lot of fun seeing my Nebraska Branch Anderson Clansmen last week. The guys got their limit of deer at the ranch Micah works for. The place is really nice, and the guys had a wonderful time hunting. They enjoyed being in the wide open range again. The rolling hills are similar to the ranch I was raised on, but the vegitation is different.
Micah and Nicole have a really nice 4 bedroom home on two levels. The basement has a huge living area, and two of the bedrooms. There are three bathrooms, and a nice open living area. Tons of cupboards and cabinets and closets.

I got a bad spell with my Cellulitis,
and so I really did not enjoy the time as much as I could have had that not happened. I got chilled the first afternoon, and it took me two heated blankets to get warmed back up. Then the leg got bad.

Micaiah and Nicolae are so very adorable, and Micah and Nicole are a greats host and hostess so if you go see them you will have a wonderful time! Now Kristi and I will be heading next to see Mark and Jordan and Caedmon! I can hardly wait.

Here is a little information about cellulitis: I got the info from the linked title....
Cellulitis Index

Our Cellulitis Main Article provides a comprehensive look at the who, what, when and how of Cellulitis

Definition of Cellulitis MRSA Slideshow Cellulitis: An acute spreading bacterial infection below the surface of the skin characterized by redness (erythema), warmth, swelling, and pain. Cellulitis can also cause fever, chills, and "swollen glands" (enlarged lymph nodes). Cellulitis is a clinical diagnosis based on the spreading involvement of skin and subcutaneous tissues with erythema, swelling, and local tenderness, accompanied by fever and malaise.

Cellulitis commonly appears in areas where there is a break in the skin from an abrasion, a cut, or a skin ulcer. It can also be due to local trauma, such as an animal bite. Only rarely is cellulitis due to the bacteremic spread of infection -- bacteria arriving from a distant source via the bloodstream.

What does cellulitis look like?

Risk factors for cellulitis include diabetes and impairment of the immune system (from, for example, HIV/AIDS or immunosuppressant drugs). Cellulitis is not contagious because it is an infection of the skin's deeper layers, the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, and the skin's top layer (the epidermis) provides a cover over the infection.

The main bacterium that causes cellulitis is Staph (Staphylococcus aureus) and Strep (Group A Streptococcus) is next most common. Cellulitis can be caused by many other types of bacteria. In children under six, H. flu (Hemophilus influenzae) can cause cellulitis, especially on the face, arms, and upper torso. Cellulitis from a dog or cat bite or scratch may be caused by the Pasturella multocida bacteria. Cellulitis after an injury from a saltwater fish or shellfish can be due to the Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. These same bacteria can also cause cellulitis after a skin injury on the farm, especially while working with pigs or poultry.

Antibiotics such as derivatives of penicillin that are effective against the staph germ are used to treat cellulitis. If other bacteria, as determined by culture tests, turn out to be the cause, or if patients are allergic to penicillin, other appropriate antibiotics are substituted.

Last Editorial Review: 1/25/2008

Common Misspellings: cellutitis, celluitis, cellulitist, cellolitus, cellulitous, celulitis, cellulitus

Wednesday, December 10, 2008



According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male
and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male
reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late
November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers
till after they give birth in the spring.

Therefore, according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl.

We should've known... ONLY women would be able to drag a fat-man
in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Gifts

On December 1, I ordered gifts for my men (6 sons and one husband) from Scotland. I went to town to babysit three of my grand babies yesterday, and got an email stating that the FedEx man had to not deliver my package because I was not here to sign for it. I could not believe how fast that package arrived! I am still amazed! It was redelivered today, and I am very pleased with the gifts! I think they will really like them! I also finished the transaction on another gift today, and hope it does not arrive quite as soon as the Scotland ones did! It is coming from somewhere in the USA, so I am sure it will not get here before I get back (or so I hope!)And If it does come I hope my housesitter does not read on it where it came from or what it is... Oh well so much for trying to keep things a secret in December.

I am hoping to go up to Old St Charles shopping next week If anyone wants to go with me, let me know. I also plan to spend one night decorating if anyone wants to come join in the fun, let me know! I will let you know what night. Have a wonderful Christmas Season! Enjoy it!

Drugs work when you need them!

I did not sleep so good last night, and when I woke I still had the same problem I was in so much pain I just wanted to cry. I ached everywhere, but especially in my hips and back and shoulders. So I cried and whined, and complained to the empty house, and to anyone who would listen on the phone. Finally about an hour ago I got into my old stash of drugs from last Jan/Feb, and took a couple of them Now I am not hurting so bad, and actually able to think! I will be getting ready now to head out on my wonderful trip to the Great open spaces of Nebraska! I am so looking forward to seeing something besides trees in the distance! To even see into the distance! But mostly to see my family that live there for a little while! That will be so wonderful!
Matthew said we will be leaving sometime this afternoon. I hope my house sitters enjoy their time here! Well off I go! Thanks for keeping me in prayer this weekend especially pray the pain goes away soon! Thanks.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries

Joyful Heart Renewal Ministries is a website with a lot of interesting reading I have linked the Christmas section for you. Go and enjoy reading the articles there. Have a wonderful Christmas Season!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Great Thanksgiving

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mark, Jordan and Caedmon came and stayed for a couple days! That was a wonderful blessing! I still do not have my digi cam, so I cannot put any pictures on this blog of our day. The house was full of people, and we had a lot of yummy food and great fellowship. We missed having John, Molly and their kiddos , and Micah, Nicole and their kiddos, but other than that it was a picture perfect day (if only I had a camera to show you how picture perfect it was! Jordan helped me so very much with the preparations, and Terry of course helped like he always does. I did miss making the SPECIAL PECAN PIE with Chandra, who was sick on Wednesday, but Jordan stepped up to the plate, and the pie was a success. Noah and Isaiah's apple pie was a BIG HIT! and the brisket did not exist any more after about 7 PM. So all in all it was good food wise and fellowship was wonderful with Robbie and Karen and Paul WanatonaParuta and Kurt and Jen and kids. Then of course all the family is always a blessing to me! We have a lot to be THANKFUL for!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Sunday of Advent today!

~First Sunday of Advent~

This is the first Sunday of Advent! Light your first candle! Call me for the tune for MY Lord What a Morning I will sing it for you!

Advent Wreath Meditations

~First Sunday of Advent (November 30, 2008)

But in those days, after that suffering, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.

Then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Keep alert, for you do not know when the time will come . . . in the evening, or at midnight, or at dawn. Keep awake. (Mark 13:24-26, 32, 33, 35, 37, NRSV)

Such amazing things happen in the sky to herald the return of the Son of Man:
. . . Jesus, coming in the clouds
. . . the sun grows dark
. . . the moon doesn't shine
. . . and stars fall from the heavens

So different from that first coming more than 2000 years ago:
. . . with angels singing of God's glory and peace on earth
. . . with the single star guiding the way to the manger
. . . with shepherds and wisemen -- rich and poor -- coming to worship.

And so we watch, and wait, and stay alert, waiting again for the coming of Jesus.
And we light a single candle in preparation for that glorious day.

[Light the first candle on the Advent wreath.]

. . . And even if the sun should grow dark
. . . even if the moon refuses to shine
. . . even if the stars should fall from the

. . . we will have Jesus, the Light of the World, to shine brightly in our hearts, lighting our way.

All: Come, Lord Jesus, come. Amen.

"My Lord, What a Morning," 719, The United Methodist Hymnal

My Lord, what a morning; my Lord, what a morning;
Oh, my Lord, what a morning, when the stars begin to fall.
You'll hear the trumpet sound, to wake the nations underground,
Looking to my God's right hand, when the stars begin to fall.
My Lord, what a morning; my Lord, what a morning;
Oh, my Lord, what a morning, when the stars begin to fall.

(Traditional African-American spiritual)

OR "Shine, Jesus, Shine," stanza 1, 2173, The Faith We Sing

I got this from Planning Helps~Advent Wreath Meditations

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Busy Times Ahead

Thursday, Thanksgiving 2008 I will be preparing a beef brisket, orange Cornish hens, spiral ham, and a little turkey (as little a turkey as I can find. You have to cook one on Thanksgiving even if no one in the family is all that fond of it.)Matthew might be bringing some venison, but I am not too sure. I had been hoping we would be cooking a hind haunch on my deer I got with my landowners permit, but so far that allusive little gal has not wandered into my path when I am holding a gun.. So if before Tuesday I am so fortunate as to bag a deer we will indeed cook some of it for our feast. I plan to have as lot of the traditional side dishes as well. But with my family, the emphasis has to be on the meat.
Friday, The day after Thanksgiving, I plan to decorate the 12 Days of Christmas tree for the TV room.
Then on the following Friday, I will be heading out to Nebraska to see Micah, Nicole, Micaiah and Nicolae!!!
Then the next weekend I will be heading down to Cabool to see Mark, Jordan and Cademon!!!
It is going to be a busy couple of weeks.
15 See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:15-18

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stand firm in your faith today!

In this week before Thanksgiving, let us not forget that Our Heavenly Father has given us the greatest gift of all: salvation though His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. All we need to do is repent of our sins and ask Him to come into our hearts and rule our lives. So simple, yet so few of us have done this simple thing. Pray today asking God to help you to lead another to Christ. We must all share the gift He has given us so freely. Ask His will to be done in your life so you can know His perfect peace, which transends all understanding! Stand firm in your faith today!
9For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[a] to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.
Colossians 1:9-12 RSV

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No more chickens on our Chicken Farm....

I guess since I wrote in here, all the chickens have been stolen by our predator. We now think it is a bobcat that has taken them. So we w ill spend the rest of the winter finishing the chicken coop, and making the chicken yard very secure. We will then buy baby chicks next spring and start all over again. Matthew and Joshua started to finish the back yard fence, but they got distracted, and we will keep on working on it. The dogs are looking great now! I am glad we started feeding them Purina Healthy choice, and that is the best formula for Lily. She is looking so pretty now. Boomer eats a lot more than Chowderhead did though... probably cause he is younger and has more energy. Joshua and Terry are cutting up Joshua's deer today, and then we are going to eat lunch at Kristi and Joshua's before Terry has to head back to KC. We got our church directory picture done yesterday afternoon, and so this week Terry really did not have any time to work on the property. Some weeks (most) go like that around here anymore...

Friday, November 7, 2008

I need a man to finish my coop and help me fence my chicken yard....

IT is a shame, but predators (or a predator has almost totally depleted the chicken population on our property. I fear Nicole will have no hens or roosters to take home to Nebraska with her. My barred rock disappeared yesterday ( or night before last) she was a nice bird. Micah thinks maybe it is a raccoon getting them (I think that is what he said.)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Chickens lived through the night...

I got up bright and early, and the chickens all survived the night! The ones in the coop seemed happy and still glad to stay inside the coop. I hope the other three get used to going in there too. Terry suggested I pen the two little ones in their little coop tonight if they do not go into the big coop,give them plenty of feed and water, and try to gentle them down over the next week or so. Hopefully the big hens will go back into the coop tonight on their own, and if they do, maybe Mr RIR and the little ones will go in too.

Monday, October 27, 2008

More Chicken stuff.

Well, I had hoped I could herd all the chickens into the coop for the night. They used to roost in there every night, but after the dog terrorized them, they have been afraid to go in there. Finally yesterday two of the big hens went in, and so I thought we might be getting closer to getting them all in, if one goes maybe the rest will follow... SO I went out with two folded cardboard boxes, hoping I could herd them all in. Well all the big hens, and the littlest rooster went in after about three tries, but the little banty hen flew over the fence off into the forest, and I could not get the big and middle roosters in no matter what I tried. The big one is the one that has no tail feathers left. He has been a rather changed personality bird since the dog got hold of his feathers and left him naked. He used to be a very friendly bird. I finally decided to drop the door on the ones that are inside, and let them get nice and warm and toasty, and hopefully maybe when Mr Big guy gets back up on his perch for the night I can actually grab him and toss him in the coop where he will not freeze to death. The smaller ones roost together; the hen and middle rooster; so hopefully they will not freeze. I think I might just lock them in their little coop tonight and pray for them to keep each other warm since both are so wild. I guess that is the biggest problem with letting your chickens run loose, they never learn to love humans. That poor little hen was terrified when I tried to herd her into the bigger coop. I partiularly want them to stay alive until Nicole can get them and take them home with her. But if they refuse to roost in the big coop, I do not see how they will survive this cold weather. I just wish they had brians... LOL

Pray for a President Who Takes God’s Perspective on Justice and Righteousness

Presidential Prayer Team
For I, the LORD, love justice; I hate robbery and iniquity. In my faithfulness I will reward them and make an everlasting covenant with them.
--Isaiah 61:8
Pray for a President Who Takes God’s Perspective on Justice and Righteousness
Holy Lord God, Your judgments are perfect and all Your ways are true. You love justice and You exercise mercy, even when we do not deserve them. You made provision to cleanse our world from sin, and You desire that we are holy and pure in You.

As I pray for this year’s elections, I pray that You will give us a president who will take Your view of justice and will act justly, implementing justice in ways that please and honor You. Lord, I pray that the injustices inherent in our government will be righted in Your time and in Your will. In Jesus' righteous name, Amen.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Chicken Stuff...

Terry spent a good portion of the time he had off working on trying to keep our chickens (the ones that are left) safer. He put a door on the coop Micah made, and a little entry way for the chickens. He put up a good gate so I can easily get into the yard. He put a heat lamp in the coop, and made the yard a bit bigger. Meanwhile he also, with Joshua's help, welded the A frame for the big coop. It is 12 by 8 at the bottom. Hopefully there will be enough in the bank next pay to get the siding for it, and a window. We will then finish the back yard fence for the dogs, and turn the now dog yard into the chicken yard where they will be very very safe.

A dog came into our place in the middle of the night. We heard the dogs barking but alas did not bother to get up and find out why. WE sure should have! The dog killed all but two of our small breed chickens, and ran all the rest off. They finally came back in the afternoon of the next day. The dog's paw prints are all over in the back yard. It looks like he jumped up on our front screen door, and also the basement door has a paw print on it. So he is a problem. I will go lock the chickens up for the night in a few minutes...

Once the hens and roosters are safe and secure, we will start on the sheep shed. I have the blue print drawn, and look forward to getting it done before spring, so Isaac can get his lambs when they come available in the spring. Hopefully I can get some of my Babydoll Southdowns at that time too. I think I will get Asher and Levi each a little Dorsett ewe too. I am not sure yet. The baby dolls would be for Noah, Isaiah, Caedmon and Micaiah.

If only I had a camera to take pictures for you all to see how things are progressing!

I am almost done moving into the house. I still need to get my dining room table out of storage, and still need to redo a few things, but it is getting closer.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Plans for inside the house... and out..

OK I cheated (for those who follow all my blogs, and did the same post here as I did on Home on the Farm... Just in case some of you read one and not the other) and I am adding on this one a little about my buffet.
Some of my dining room furniture is antique stuff. It is almost all oak. And I am asking my son Mark to make a topper for my buffet and do it as close to original, yet functional for me as we can go. The original topper had a beveled mirror in the center, and was pretty tall if I remember. But other than that, I just don't know. Probably the parts are still up in the old barn...

We have some major change plans as well as some not so major change plans for inside the house.
We are going to start in the master bedroom.When we are finished, it is our desire to have the entire house look like a turn of the century (1899-1900) style house. So we are going to replace the windows in the master bed and bath with that style of windows, remove the seam caps and fill in the seams in the walls, then we will be doing trim around doors, windows and ceiling and floors. This week I am going to go get estimates on the supplies. We have to turn two doors around so they swing out of the room instead of into it. I want to do hard wood, but that is not in the plans for about two years. So we will just keep the carpet in the bedroom, and do something else in the bathroom.

Out doors, we are going to use the trailer parts from the trailers that the double wide arrived here on to build the chicken coop.It will be an A frame, using three trailer tongues for the frame work. We have to get it built really soon, and that is going to take some welding, cement pouring, and then walls, (or are they roofs?) and hopefully we can get it finished before the snow starts to fly around here. . We got the cement mixer from John when we picked up Boomer's dog house., So other than getting the PVC pipe for the drain in the floor, and the cement and gravel, we are ready to go with this project. Hopefully I can get my diggi cam before we get started, so we can do pictures of it as we go.

I am getting 4 eggs a day, two brown and 2 green. SO I think I will make a quiche for Kristi and William today

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I am needing a diggi cam..

I need a diggi cam so I can take some pictures to help all you who haven't been to the property to see our progress as it happens. Today is a weird day for me. I have boxes galore in my dining area, and I have boxes in the Suburban. I am just leaving the boxes in the Burb until I figure out what to do with the boxes of things in the dining room. I am needing shelves and stuff built cause I do not want to have to move things after I have placed them the first time. So I am just going to get ready for my granddaughter's birthday party (dress up princess party for just a couple little friends and of course the grandmas.) Anyway maybe tomorrow I will get inspired to unload those boxes from the Burb and put them away here. There is always tomorrow for these unpleasant chores. Nicole has put me to shame cause she has her house all set up and is living like she is supposed to instead of out of boxes. I guess I am just trying to fit 34 years of accumulated junk into a house that is not as big as most I have lived in in the past. So I am perplexed.

Oh the chickens are doing great even though Boomer has gotten loose twice and chased them all to all corners of the earth... I chained him inside their pen, so he would not get back out, but Terry thought he would fix the hole and turn him loose in the pen. While we were gone, he re dug and re chased the chickens away again. So We re chained him in the pen at a different place, and so far he is staying put. The chickens keep coming back to roost, so that is good I am hoping we can train him out of this bad habit.

Lilly seems to be very happy now that I am actually living here. She is doing great too. And other than the chicken chasing, Boomer is doing great!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Getting set up on the "property"

The grand kids all call our place "The Property" I like that! It is nice that they all consider it partly theirs, cause it is. It was so sad to see the moving truck with Micah and Micaiah and Nicole and Cole in their car leave the Property last Monday evening. It was a hard time for all of us! But Nicole is settling in at their new residence, and I have talked to them several times. Seems it is a great move for them.
So a chapter ends and a new one begins.
So far all the other grands (except Caedmon) have spend the night, gathered eggs and ridden around in the "train" (Pappa Terry hooked the little green wagon to the lawn mower, and is using it as a little utility wagon of sorts, but mostly as a "train" The kids have worked hard. (as hard as any little under 10 year old bunch of kids can work) John and Molly and Issac came out last Monday and Tuesday and worked at helping clear out the weeds and stuff around the dog pens and horse pen. Joshua and Kristi also came out to help with that task. The kids love making a fire and cooking their lunch and supper out doors. They did some chuck roast on Tuesday, with Isaac, and we cooked some brats with Asher and Levi on Wednesday (or was that Thursday?) and on Friday we cooked pork chops out there with Noah and Isaiah. We have either 3 or 4 hens laying, and if we gather the eggs around 2 in the afternoon, we get two brown, one small white and one green egg. The little hens are laying way out in the property, and so we are not getting their eggs. Terry plans to soon build them a coop that is bigger, and we will send the big road island red (RIR) rooster and the RIR hens to Nebraska for Micaiah, so the little roosters and their hens will come back up to the front of the property and we can get them used to the new coop and laying their eggs in it.
Terry took a couple more days vacation to get thing going for us. Kristi and Joshua came and helped move the big furniture out of the trailer and into the new house. We had one mishap, but we fixed it, and it should be as good as new when the Elmers dries. (Don't even ask what broke!) We now have the piano, Curio cabinet and buffet in the used to be living room converted to dining room for my needs. Once we get the stuff out of the Hillsboro storage I will actually even have my dining room table. (We got the benches out while Terry was here). The phone people set up the phone, and to my delight, I have DSL here! (and wireless so the kids can work on their laptops when they come out) It is so nice to have high speed internet once again! My DISH satilite is set ups so I can watch FOX NEWS, and I think I will actually get some radio stations here! I have to set up the radio still. My cell phone actually works from every room in the house! How cool is that? (for those of you who had trouble getting hold of me at the trailer, I have no excuse for not answering my phone now (Unless I loose it LOL)
Side note:I hear a hen cackling as I type, a new egg is getting delivered!
I will need some help from a couple of sons one day this week to get the old couches out of the trailer, and we can then say I am moved (except for the stuff we need out of our old storage unit in Hillsboro.) that will take about two trips.
We went down to help him ring in his third year of life! What a cute child he is! I wish I could spend more time with him! I am now going to actually try to devote some of our resources to going down there more often. Now that I am settling in and it looks like I will be able to do just that, I will have more stories about him and his parents. For his birthday, Jordan and Mark did a sky cake with a plane in the air. It was very cute. Jordan does a great job with her cakes! Go to her blog and check some of them out! Anyway most of his cousins got to go to his birthday party. Isaiah told me on the way home that his favorite part of the party was the magic show! (How cool is it to have a real live magician in the extended family? Thanks Pappa Scott!) I will be getting a digi cam soon (I hope) so I can post our progress on improvements to the property. I only have three weeks of my Connections study left, and then I will start my "What happens when Women Pray" study on my BerachahMinistires blog. Get the book off ebay, and join in the discussion!

Here is a little link to some fantastic music for your listening pleasure!
Shout Life Anderson Brothers Music

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Plans for Monday and Tuesday

John told Terry he plans to go out to the property on Monday ( I think) and Tuesday and work on weed whacking and brush hogging. Micah and Nicole will be loading their moving truck on Monday and heading out. I cannot bear thinking about that.... Tuesday is my day to work on my bible study lesson, and I just devote that day to devotions and prayer etc. Sometimes I have to (well I don't mean have to in a negative, but a positive way) watch some of the grand babies. But I have told everyone that bible study lessons are my priority on Tuesdays. I am all done with my Beth Moore Study for this week, except for loading it up on my blog spot: A Woman's Heart ~ God;s Dwelling Place but I have no idea if anyone even uses it, so not so sure it matters if I load it up onto the blog. All that to say I will hopefully be able to help Micah and Nicole and John and Molly this week. We will be having the telephone line installed at the property on Wednesday, and so Terry needs to do the inside the house telephone wiring on Monday or Tuesday. He is taking a couple days vacation ( I think) this week to work on the property too. I guess things are falling into place. I looked at digi cams today at Walmart. I want to get one so I can record our progress on clearing the land. Praying for extra funds for a digi cam here.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Packing up and planning to move....

Micah and Nicole are all packed up and ready to go. They will be loading the moving van on Monday, and heading for Nebraska on Tuesday. Then we will be moving into their home. It will seem so weird, cause I go over there to see them and spend time with them. Now I will be going there instead of them. At least the house will never be empty. I guess that is a good thing I guess my verse in my other blog is my standard verse for this time in my life:

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will."
Romans 8:26-27:

So I am asking God's will in my life. Whatever that might be now....

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Christians are like Pumpkins

Thanks, Molly for the email that inspired me to make this little picture.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Waiting on Him

Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.

Psalm 37:7 (NLT)

A great verse for today. I have been watching FOX NEWS, and the ups and downs of the DOW today. Because of the announcements of all the financial experts, it is apparent to us that Micah and Nicole's house is not going to sell, short of a miracle. So we (Terry and I) are taking it over. They are packing up now, and getting ready to move. Once they have gone, we will move into their house, and start living there on the property. Weird how this is unfolding, and totally NOT the way I had planned. But we have gone to our heavenly Father on this issue, and cannot see Him wanting us to let Micah and Nicole try to make payments on a house that looks like it will not sell. Prayers for Micah and Nicole's move are appreciated, and then prayers for us as we finally move onto our property. Terry checked into early retirement which we initially thought of doing, then realized he could not do it financially, but now we are going to retire from Yellow in April, 2009 on his 60th birthday, and then get a job here near our land. His retirement will only be 1/3 what it would be were he to wait until he reaches 65, but I am tired of his being gone, and he is tired of being gone. So we are now asking prayers for him to get a job that will pay enough to fill in the gap between his retirement pay and what we are getting now. Thanks so much for those of you who come in here and read and pray for us!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Terry and Micah worked on fixing his house

Micah and Terry spent yesterday finishing the siding on his house, getting it ready to sell. The chickens are doing great. The chicks are growing, and their mother is busy keeping them all together. Micah plans to only take the Rhode Island Reds, so we will be building up a bigger chicken yard, and getting it ready for the ones that stay behind. He will not be able to take Boomer, the dog John and Isaac sorta gave them for the ranch, so I guess Terry is the proud owner of a new 2 year old blue Merle Aussie. We are waiting on the Lord to tell us what our next step is. Micah had to get his Ford Focus fixed. Terry and Micah fixed it today, and Terry said he thinks it is going to run great!
Now our good news; is that we traded Joshua's '87 Jeep for a '91 Suburban for me. Joshua has taken over my Alero, and he is very happy with the gas mileage he is getting compared to what he was getting with the Jeep. I am thrilled because I have a nice big auto that I can seriously haul grandbabies with, and also it will be able to pull a trailer to haul everything from hay to lumber etc. I am excited about this. And So far I think it is good on gas. I have been praying about getting a good useful truck or Suburban for about 10 years now, and now I am still debt free, and have my Suburban. It is in excellent condition. The upholstery is still shiny! If you are reading this, we still need prayer about what God wants us to do. We are just waiting to hear. Meanwhile we will continue to clear our land whenever we can and try to get it in good shape. Thanks!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Micah accepted the job in Nebraska.

I am happy for them. It will take a while to gather my thoughts. They are on their way back now I am anxious to hear all about the job. Prayers for this already sad Lou Lou appreciated.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Today Micah and Nicole are in Nebraska.

I am praying for God's will in their lives today. I am at peace about it, and know that if God sends them to Nebraska, and even if He doesn't want them there, and they go anyway, God will work all things together for good, because they love Him with all their hearts, and He has promised us in Romans 8:28
"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."
Now I am once again waiting on Him to see where things will go. I think I am too old for this.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let's Go To Prayer!

I love talking to God! It is such a wonderful thing to be able to go to Him and just talk about EVERYTHING! I would never have gotten through raising seven beautiful children without constant communication with God. He was so faithful to me as I tried to raise my children, and He was so patient with me. He did a good job with them, in spite of all my mistakes. He does forgive us for our mistakes, and He works all things together for good to those who love and serve Him. My kids are a perfect proof of that. I made mistakes, He worked it together for good! Praise Him! For many there is no difficulty going to our heavenly Father in prayer, but for those of you who struggle with talking to God try these easy steps:
The Acronym for praying is A.C.T.S.
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication
All verses today: New King James Version (NKJV)Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
It is easy! Just talk to Him! He is eager to hear from you!
He is so wonderful. Don't be embarrassed to tell Him that He is! Find a Prayer Closet, A place to go and be alone with God. But also talk to Him in the midst of what ever you are doing. Pray without ceasing.
"For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of His Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers,"
Romans 1:9
"pray without ceasing," 1 Thessalonians 5:15

"I thank God, whom I serve with a pure conscience, as my forefathers did, as without ceasing I remember you in my prayers night and day,"
2 Timothy 1:3

Read these verses and Adore and Worship Our God

"God reigns over the nations;
God sits on His holy throne."
Psalm 47

"For the word of the LORD is right,
And all His work is done in truth."
Psalm 33:4

"Great is our Lord, and mighty in power;
His understanding is infinite."
Psalm 147:5

2. Confession: Agree with God about your sin:
Psalm 32:5
God already knows about your sin, but He want you to talk to Him about it. He wants to hear from you and to give you peace.
I acknowledged my sin to You,
And my iniquity I have not hidden.
I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,”
And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah
Psalm 32:5

And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
Matthew 6:12

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9

3. Thanksgiving: Show God your gratitude for His wisdom and your freedom in Him. Thank Him for all your many gifts, your family, friends, and those who are important in your life."

"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name."
Psalm 100:4

"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—"
1 Timothy 2:1

"Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed." John 8:36

"He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love"
Colossians 1:13

"I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers," Philemon 1:4

"With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the LORD : 'He is good; his love to Israel endures forever.'And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid."
Ezra 3:10-12
4. Supplication/ Requesting: Calling on God for Help

"But You, O LORD, do not be far from Me;O My Strength, hasten to help Me!"
Psalm 22:19

“For the Lord GOD will help Me; Therefore I will not be disgraced; Therefore I have set My face like a flint, And I know that I will not be ashamed."
Isaiah 50:7

"Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, 'Lord, help me!'”Matthew 15:25

"All Your commandments are faithful;They persecute me wrongfully; Help me!"
Psalm 119:86

Just remember, to glorify God learn to live this verse:
"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." Corinthians 10:31

Each New Day is Special

"The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, 'The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!'" Lamentations 3:22-24 (NASB)

Have a blessed time communing with God every day!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

His perfect timing

Hope for the Future

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (NLT)

A New Creation

2 Corinthians 5:17

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (NKJV)

A New Heart

Ezekiel 36:25-27

"Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give you a new heart with new and right desires, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony heart of sin and give you a new, obedient heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so you will obey my laws and do whatever I command. (NLT)

Forgetting the Past

Philippians 3:13-14

No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven. (NLT)

Learning from Past Mistakes

Hebrews 12:10-11

Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. (NIV)

Wait on the Lord

Psalm 37:7

Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. (NLT)

Isaiah 40:31

Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. (NASB)

God's Timing is Perfect

Ecclesiastes 3:11

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (NIV)

Each New Day is Special

Lamentations 3:22-24

The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!" (NASB)

I am working on being patient while we work out how and even IF we will finally get onto our property. I know God has been shaking His head over some mistakes Terry and I have been making, and He has to be so patient with us. Now Micah and Nicole are selling their three acres attached to our land, anbd planning on moving to Nebraska for a ranch job there. Since the well is on our property, Terry is re-surveying our land and putting the well on their property. So we will not have a well any more, and probably never will. I am thinking of getting rid of my dog. I guess Micah is selling Micaiah's pony, and giving Peanuts away. I really have no longer a desire to finish my plans since I will be all alone there for the next 7 years. I really don't want to live there alone. Prayer for a solution to our plans would be appreciated. Right now I am a whole lot depressed over what is NOT happening, but God is good and in His perfect timing all things will work together for good to those of us who love and serve Him. Soon, I hope!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Copperhead snake, chickens and the puppy

Micah has chickens, and unfortunately when one has chickens, they draw snakes. Micah went out to water the animals a few weeks ago and saw a HUGE copperhead killing my White rooster. Somehow the rooster had gotten out of the chicken yard, and he was getting killed in the horse pen. By the time Micah got there the snake had slithered off. Terry told him to keep his eyes out for the snake now since he has gotten the taste of chicken. Fortunately we have not seen him/her since, but that does not mean the creepy thing is not still hanging out there. So far all the rest of the animals are still OK. I am scared silly now to go out there to feed and water anything.
Micah and Micaiah's new little puppy is adorable and a very very smart little Aussie. Rella is our new little girl. I got her for my son and granddaughter when I got my other two son's their pups this summer. Anyway, Rella(Short for Cinderella) spends some of her time in the pen with my girl, Lily, but most of the time she is out on the property taking care of things. Last week Micah noticed that she was sniffing and counting the chickens, and then herding them into their little coop. She would then lay out in their little yard. The bigger rooster got out the other day, so Rella put him back in. She likes them to be in order. Last week he noticed she was pushing a little rubber ducky Micaiah had been playing with in her swimming pool over to the chicken yard. She then pushed in into the yard and then into the coop. Guess she thought it looked like a chicken and wanted it where it belonged. She is not the most beautiful Aussie in the world, but I think she is pretty high on brains! She is so much fun to watch.
Still have not gotten any responses from any of the trainers we have contacted via email. I am really hoping to get my Lily into training ASAP, but no one seems to be interested in answering my inquiries. I think my Lily could be a great little herder, but she needs someone to take her and train her for me. She is a very strong willed girl. All we have on our
place right now are s few chickens and two Shetland ponies.... IF anyone has any suggestions on any other trainers near me, let me know. Lily is a beautiful red bi. I got her from Hartnagles two years ago. She is needing to work. I got her while we still lived on our little 50 acre farm, thinking I would use her there, but we had
to sell, and move, first to a small town then to this place where no dogs are allowed, so I have not spent the time I need to with her. Such a shame for such potential to go to waste. I am hoping to get moved onto our little piece of property the end of the summer, and hope then I can spend my quality time with her. Meanwhile I am desperate to find someone willing to teach her a few things. (maybe Rella can teach her LOL)

Friday, June 27, 2008

Every good gift...

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning"
(James 1:17)

What an amazing life I am leading! I go from the valleys to the hills in such a short time period! I am so looking forward to when Terry can finally come home to stay! I miss him so much now days. I always have missed him since his being on the road the past ten years, but this past year it has been harder than ever for me. I think because I had thought he would be able to retire at age 62, and that did not seem to be too far away. But now he cannot retire from Yellow until he is 67. That is 8 years from now. I had hoped we could soon really spend some quality time with our grandkids working on our property.Some of our grandkids will be teens before we can seriously do any work on the property now. At this time, he has such a short time to spend with me on the land, and too many other interruptions when he is home. But even considering the short time we get to spend together, it is always wonderful time, and I am very thankful for that time spent together. So I am in the hills when he is home, and in the valleys for a day or so when he leaves. I am working on being happy when he leaves, and finding good in his being gone, but I do wish we could figure out a way to keep him home now. The trouble is, in order to finance our little hobby farm of the future, he needs a good paying job. And it is not easy for a man of his age to get a job. Mainly it is all about the insurance and retirement at this point. Maybe he will go buy a lottery ticket and win a few million, and then we would not have to wait anymore. He would forget to check the ticket to see if it is a winner, so I guess that is not going to happen. I have to work on getting either Kristi or Joshua to help me get some hay this week. We have some now, but I have to go get it. I am hoping to store up enough to supply us for next year. If we can get our sheep barn built, and the hay stored up, at least I will be able to start some stuff without him around. I can do sheep by myself...

I have been studying sheep breeds, like I said in a previous post, and I had always thought I would do Hampshires if I did sheep, and they are not even on my short list now. But what we thought was we would try different breeds for a year or so, and eliminate down to the breeds we want to keep and promote. Another breed Terry has suggested is called the black belly. Here is a picture of one.

Well, Micah just called and wants me to come over with my Shogun movies, so I will get off here. IF you know anything about sheep, please post what you know, and let me know if you are reading my blog! I will go enjoy some of my many blessings in the form of family!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Too wet to burn

Terry came home to see his new grandson and welcome his little girl home. We went to the property this morning, and decided we would try to burn some of the branches that were piled up. Terry tried to get two of the pile to burn, but they were too wet to burn! So instead, Micah and Terry put their swing set together. I walked Lillie on her leash, and brushed he. She did not want to go back to her pen, but she did. We looked the basement over with Micah and Nicole and tried to plan out some of the problems we will have getting it finished. Looks like we will be able to get started on it soon. I showed Terry this blog site and had him check out the sheep I am considering for our farm, and he suggested another breed for me to look over, -the black belly sheep. It is another hair breed. It looks like there are some breeders in MO that have some sheep at affordable prices. SO they are now on my short list that is once again getting long.
Terry had a fast trip home to welcome Jude Allen Anderson into the world, and welcome his daughter back from Liberia. He is already back on the road, heading up to Iowa.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A quiet afternoon.

18 The Lord is close to everyone who prays to him,
to all who truly pray to him
Psalm 145:18

I was a bit upset when I found out this morning that Kristi and her team are stuck in Brussels, but God shared some incites with me (see my Marylou' Place blog for the devotional) And I am feeling better now, Looking forward to getting them at the St Louis airport tomorrow afternoon now.
Instead of spending the day getting our beloved team from the airport, I decided to start typing my mom's Story. She started it last year, and I am just now starting to do her web page for her. Here is the link for it so far:Dorothy Eileen Ferguson
Micah and Nicole are spending the weekend at her folks because her Gramma is in from North Carolina, so I need to run over to the property and feed the dogs, and water and feed the chickens and check on the ponies. Sounds like there is a thunderstorm brewing outside. Guess I better go check it out! This rain is unending! Have a great day with Jesus! I will work on Mom's site again tonight, so please check back in on it, and send me pictures and or stories about her. Thanks!!1

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Raining AGAIN!

"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants."

Deuteronomy 32:2

It is raining again here! I am enjoying the sound of the rain on the roof, and the thunder. I am so thankful for a warm house to live in, and for all my blessings! Micah asked if I would water his new garden on Saturday morning for him. I love to watch a garden grow, and hope that The results of the teaching God is giving to me will please him as much as I am pleased with watching our garden grow. I feel so often lately that I am not blooming like I should. This rain tonight reminds me that I need to grow with each day, with each new lesson in my life. Lord, let me soak into my soul, the lessons you send my way.

Scattered thoughts this night:
Terry is thinking about going back on a sleeper; a route to Albuquerque He will find out tomorrow if he gets the bid. If h e does, he will not get to be home again on Sundays. I need to buy him a new Bible, and need to go to A Christian book store for one. The one I got him for his birthday said LARGE PRINT on the label, and I did not check it out, was just happy to get him a little bible, easy to carry with large print. Well the print is too small for him to read, and so I need to go to a Christian supply store to shop for the perfect little bible with large print. Anyone want to go with me????

Kristi, Carolyn, and Ken will be getting back to St Louis on Saturday afternoon. I am very much looking forward to seeing my Beautiful Baby again! I cannot wait to hear about the mission trip. I missed seeing things in emails this year. That was so nice last year, to get to see pictures often.


We have pretty much decided on a berm home. I think it is going to resemble a castle in the front. Right now we are staying a a trailer park, and think we might finish Micah and Nicole's basement and move in there until our house is done. Nicole said we have 5 years until they move their kids to the basement. We have a really cool idea in the oven for our house, and it will be practically free to build the outside structure. It will be very economical on heating and cooling, and a very spacious house for all our kids and their kids on holidays. It will even be big enough for all the dil's (Daughter-In-Laws) parents and siblings to join us too!

:I pray for all of you, and am praying right now for Kristi and Ken and Carolyn and Joe in Liberia, Africa. Praying God does a mighty work through them, and that they return home safely on Saturday.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Plans still in the making

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11
I know God is in control. Sometimes I just wish I would listen better and know what He wants me to do. Sometimes I just get too wrapped up in the EARTHLY things, and do not equate where I am here on earth with What I am to do for God's Kingdom in my present circumstances. I know I am not doing what He wants right now. I think this is ridiculous on my part since he has given me every opportunity to hear Him.

Why Lord am I not listening to you right now? Help me to hear what your plans for us are. I need direction. And I am not hearing what You are saying to me. Open my ears! I love You, and want to be obedient to You!

Rambling thoughts:

We are now down to two Shetlands, and about 15 chickens of various breeds, and two Aussies. Micah and Micaiah have a little puppy, Rella, and my girl is Lillie.

Sheep will be our next venture. As soon as we get their barn built, and we have plenty of hay stored for them. These are the breeds I am considering:

1. Babydoll and regular Southdowns
I want these because they are the first sheep I was ever around, and as a little girl, I simply loved our Southdown flock. especially the old ram. He would protect me from the younger, more aggressive ram.

2. Icelandic
These sheep are so cool looking, and they are a Multi purpose, dairy meat, and wool breed. Everything all in one package.

3. Jacob
These sheep are also cool looking, with between two and three pairs of horns. They are a wool breed.

4. Mini Cheviot
This Scottish border breed is, like the babydolls, the original size of the Cheviot, and I have always like the looks of the Cheviot. They are a dual purpose breed.

5. St. Croix

This hair sheep is a meat breed. They are really going to be interesting to raise.

6. Finnsheep

they are meet sheep and are very prolific having twins and triplets and even sometimes have litters of 4 to 6. They produce a lean, succulant meat with a light delicate flavor.

7. Scottish Blackface
These are a dual purpose sheep too, and I just think they look pretty.

Still planning to get Lowline Angus when I get my cattle. I found out the reason they are called Lowlines is that in Australia, they were doing an experiment trying to see if the larger framed or the smaller framed Angus were more productive, and the larger framed herd they called Highlines and the smaller herd they called Lowlines I guess the middle sized hered were Middle line??? anyway They are actually just purebred or full blooded Angus in the smaller pakcage, actually just like the cattle we raised back in the 1960's. So like the sheep, I m wanting to raise what I did when I was a small child.