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Monday, March 16, 2009

I have been bombarded with posts and emails about how the HSUS has been trying to destroy the agriculture and dog and cat businesses in our nation in the past few months. It is just sad what is happening. In one state, you will have to pay $500 fee if you have an un neutered male or female dog on your property, $500 per animal that is, so if you are a breeder, you will be paying upwards of $2000 a year in fees even when you are not breeding, and even if you decide to have the dog neutered because he or she is not going to turn out to be a good dog to breed. This is just ridiculous. Our rights are being taken away in almost every area lately. Our nation is not the nation it was just three or four months ago. NAISE is trying to get every animal in America recorded and tracked under the guise of "health and safety issues" but the truth is, BIG BROTHER has come and HE PLANS TO STAY! HE IS INTO EVERY AREA OF OUR LIVES nothing is not under his control. It is to the point where no one can do anything without some sort of interference from the government. When will it end? What should we do?

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