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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Looks like a storm is coming!

Terry called and was watching the weather channel and noted it was going to get bad here tonight. It is already cloudy and windy. The dogs are fine, and the cats are doing OK in the basement. I had to shut them in today, so the weather does not disrupt things down there with blowing wind and possible snow or rain. It seems too warm for snow, but that can change really fast!
I went for groceries today; wanting to have some food on hand if anyone comes out. I think John is coming tomorrow. Now I have to finish cleaning out the fridge in order to get the new groceries in. I already did the freezer and got all the frozen stuff put away. I am looking forward to Nicole and her babies coming soon for a nice visit! That will be a fun time for us! Caiah was asking her parents about her kittens that I have here for her. She has a good memory! I am glad they have not run away since we have been letting them go outside on nice days.

I will be taking Lily and Boomer in for shots this next week after I get them both washed and groomed. That will be a major project for me! I will be so glad when I finally get a grooming station set up down in the basement for them.

We will be doing a sheep shed soon, as soon as Terry gets some time off. He is checking on his vacation time this week, and when he finds out, we will rent a bobcat or some such thing and clear some land and get the logs for barn, as well as start our fence around the property. We have also got a plan for a veggie garden, and looking forward to getting the area prepared for that. He started up the tiller yesterday, but it is still to wet to till right now. He will be returning home via the lakes to see if our styrofoam is still there. Then we will get some of the kids to help us haul it home (IF it is still there)IF we can get the barn up in the next couple weeks, we can invest in a couple ewe lambs and a ram lamb to start our little flock. Also hoping to finish the chicken coop and yard so it will be ready for chicks when they come in. We hope to be on the road to self sufficiency within two years time.

This economy has put a hold on Terry's retiring this April. He was going to retire from Yellow and get a local job, but there are no local jobs now. And it looks like there will not be any in the near future. I am very disappointed, but happy at least we do have income. It just is not what we had planned. We will have to make due with his vacation time and get as much done as we can when he can take vacation.

Off to clean the fridge now and praising God we have money for food still!

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