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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Terry and Micah worked on fixing his house

Micah and Terry spent yesterday finishing the siding on his house, getting it ready to sell. The chickens are doing great. The chicks are growing, and their mother is busy keeping them all together. Micah plans to only take the Rhode Island Reds, so we will be building up a bigger chicken yard, and getting it ready for the ones that stay behind. He will not be able to take Boomer, the dog John and Isaac sorta gave them for the ranch, so I guess Terry is the proud owner of a new 2 year old blue Merle Aussie. We are waiting on the Lord to tell us what our next step is. Micah had to get his Ford Focus fixed. Terry and Micah fixed it today, and Terry said he thinks it is going to run great!
Now our good news; is that we traded Joshua's '87 Jeep for a '91 Suburban for me. Joshua has taken over my Alero, and he is very happy with the gas mileage he is getting compared to what he was getting with the Jeep. I am thrilled because I have a nice big auto that I can seriously haul grandbabies with, and also it will be able to pull a trailer to haul everything from hay to lumber etc. I am excited about this. And So far I think it is good on gas. I have been praying about getting a good useful truck or Suburban for about 10 years now, and now I am still debt free, and have my Suburban. It is in excellent condition. The upholstery is still shiny! If you are reading this, we still need prayer about what God wants us to do. We are just waiting to hear. Meanwhile we will continue to clear our land whenever we can and try to get it in good shape. Thanks!


Mark and Jordan Anderson said...

Can you breed John's dog to Lily? Or did you even want to breed them? Just wondering, we [Andersons] have this beautiful little herd of Aussies so we should be doing something with them! That or taking a HUGE family picture in the fall and everyone has to bring their dogs- that'd be wild, but a great picture!

Marylou said...

It would be like the Hartenagle's picture in their book... They have a picture on their ranch in Colorado like that. I like the idea. Well, we had CHowder with her, now we will see if anything happens with Boomer in there. I think I might alter Boomer's name a little, and call him BlueMer he would never know the difference, and that was the name I suggested back when Isaac got him, and it was a rejected name... He is a pretty dog and Micah thinks he is super smart. So if they make babies all the better. If not Oh well...