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Saturday, June 21, 2008

A quiet afternoon.

18 The Lord is close to everyone who prays to him,
to all who truly pray to him
Psalm 145:18

I was a bit upset when I found out this morning that Kristi and her team are stuck in Brussels, but God shared some incites with me (see my Marylou' Place blog for the devotional) And I am feeling better now, Looking forward to getting them at the St Louis airport tomorrow afternoon now.
Instead of spending the day getting our beloved team from the airport, I decided to start typing my mom's Story. She started it last year, and I am just now starting to do her web page for her. Here is the link for it so far:Dorothy Eileen Ferguson
Micah and Nicole are spending the weekend at her folks because her Gramma is in from North Carolina, so I need to run over to the property and feed the dogs, and water and feed the chickens and check on the ponies. Sounds like there is a thunderstorm brewing outside. Guess I better go check it out! This rain is unending! Have a great day with Jesus! I will work on Mom's site again tonight, so please check back in on it, and send me pictures and or stories about her. Thanks!!1

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